Sunday, March 24, 2013

Brycen {5 Days New} and Big Sister Brooklyn

 You may remember little Miss Brooklyn from last summer. She is now a BIG SISTER! Meet the newest member of the "Bassett Fire Dept.", the adorable Brycen at only 5 days old. Between my own family and the Bassett family, I think we will make a great majority of the Millington Fire Dept. some day. hehe. Brycen was such a good little poser. I was even able to sneak a few of Brooklyn between clothing changes and feedings. Such a great looking "Fire Family".

Big Sister Brooklyn

"In a world where everyone seems to be larger and louder than yourself, it is very comforting to have a small, quiet companion." 
-Peter Gray

Jonah {4 months}

Little Jonah is growing so fast! It seems like I was just preparing to take photos of his beautiful mama's baby belly. He was such a great little model giving us smiles and even some adorable silly faces. I can't wait to watch him grow!


The many faces of Jonah....

Friday, March 8, 2013

Melissa + Bob {A Winter Engagement}

 Meet Melissa and Bob. Lovers of the outdoors, their beautiful dogs, hunting, fishing and of course.... camo. Of course we wanted to make sure their session reflect who they are and what they love. We battled the cold, snow and mud and were able to get some great shots. Can't wait for their wedding this summer!